GONESH Incense Cone/Classic Series 5 types Miscellaneous goods Fragrance Interior goods Living room Bedroom Relaxation GONESH
Product code b5-gonesh-4926840
Package size: W60×D28×H130mm
Capacity: 25 pieces (each burns for about 30 minutes)
Charcoal is infused with a rich, complex fragrance made using a secret recipe that has 90 years of history, and then molded into a cone shape.
It is thicker than a stick and spreads the fragrance instantly.
It doesn't scatter ash so even beginners can enjoy it.
No.4: A refreshing, sweet and fruity scent of peach, berries, grapes, etc., evoking the breeze blowing through orchards and vineyards.
NO.6: The scent of balsams such as frankincense, reminiscent of the air and wind of ancient times.
A rich, oriental fragrance with a warm woody feel.
No.7: A strong, sweet fragrance that evokes the mystery of nature and the great power that wells up from the earth.
No.8: This design evokes the feeling of the morning mist on a spring day.
A fresh, slightly sweet fruity scent.
No.10: A fragrance reminiscent of herbs and flowers. It reminds you of visiting a flower market.
A fragrance that creates a gorgeous and comfortable atmosphere.
No.12: A refreshing green floral scent reminiscent of small flowers blooming among the trees in the magnificent natural surroundings of the Rocky Mountains.